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Design Sense Graphics & Web Design

Different Logo (Image) Formats

When your logo design is complete, you will be supplied with a selection of different image formats. This article outlines the most common formats and their different applications.

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Struggling with your website content? You are not alone!

Many of our clients are so flat out that they are struggling to find time to write their website content. Quite often, this part of the process holds up the completion of the website for months, sometimes even years. For a small additional fee, why not get a professional to write your content for you, taking away the hassle and allowing you to use your valuable time doing what you do best!

Why use a copy writer?

Today, websites are becoming the first port of call for businesses. Potential clients want to gain answers to their questions even before they pick up the phone to engage you. It’s important that your website content is clear, concise and informative. The more quality content you have on your website, the better your organic search ranking will be. Search engines are looking for relevant and original content. There are many considerations to take into account when writing your website content, and you will get the most bang for your buck by engaging a professional to do this for you. As we already mentioned, content writing is often the only thing that holds up website completion. Many clients get 90% of the way through the process, and then wait months, sometimes even years, to complete the final 10%!

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Design Sense Graphics & Web Websites

Will my website be found by Google? (About Search Engine Optimisation)

With so many people now searching for services online, it is important that your online presence is professional and stands up against the competition. However, just because you have a website does not guarantee that people are going to find it. There are many factors that can affect your Search Engine Results Page (SERP) Rank, and it can take time for your website to ‘climb up the ladder’.

What is my SERP Rank?

Whenever someone conducts a Google (or any other search engine) search, the result page will show a list of links to web pages that relate to the words that were entered in the search. These links are displayed in order of relevance based on a series of factors such as your website content, page description, number of pages in your site and incoming links. The higher up the list a website is displayed, the higher the SERP Rank.

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Design Sense Graphics & Web Design

Logo access, copyright & registration

Can I have access to my logo?

Graphic design companies have different policies about giving clients access to their logo. At Design Sense Graphics & Web, we believe it is important for you to have your logo to use. We will supply the logo in a range of formats, either via email or on a disk. You will be able to place this into stationery and documents as required. HOWEVER, we do ask that you follow the guidelines provided on this website (or in your company style guide where applicable) for the use of your logo, in order that the integrity of your logo and its design is not compromised. It is recommended that you engage us to design important promotional items for you, to ensure consistent application at all times.

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Design Sense Graphics & Web Design

Branding Your Business

Your brand is the 'face' of your business. Everyone is familiar with iconic international brands, such as Nike and CocaCola, but who is to say that your brand won't be just as successful? Consistency and creative marketing are all it takes! Your business branding will help you stand out from the crowd and demand attention from your current and potential clients, as well as your competitors. When you are not around to speak for your business, your branding does it for you, so it needs to speak loudly and clearly about who you are and what you do! It needs to send the right messages and be recognisable in an instant.

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