
Design Sense Graphics & Web Design

Logo access, copyright & registration

Can I have access to my logo?

Graphic design companies have different policies about giving clients access to their logo. At Design Sense Graphics & Web, we believe it is important for you to have your logo to use. We will supply the logo in a range of formats, either via email or on a disk. You will be able to place this into stationery and documents as required. HOWEVER, we do ask that you follow the guidelines provided on this website (or in your company style guide where applicable) for the use of your logo, in order that the integrity of your logo and its design is not compromised. It is recommended that you engage us to design important promotional items for you, to ensure consistent application at all times.

Who owns the copyright of my logo?

Legally, the graphic designer retains the copyright of all designs, even if you have paid for the design service. Design Sense Graphics & Web will provide logo formats for you to use, but this does not give you the right to change the logo without the designer's permission. You may request that the designer assigns copyright to you for an additional fee, or a licence can be obtained to use certain design elements. This must always be in writing. Your business identity is valuable; make sure you are aware of its use and protection.

Can I register my logo?

To register your logo or Trade Mark (and elements of it, like the colours), it is recommended that you visit the IP (Intellectual Property) Australia website. There is useful information on a range of topics relating to the application process, the time and cost involved and the management of your Trade Mark once it is registered. This process and cost is the responsibility of the client, although Design Sense Graphics & Web will assist with questions relating to the design.

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8 Holmes St. Boulder WA 6432     |     (08) 9093 3376     |